Slack Integration

Collaborate Your Way

Receive Performance and Availability Alerts via Slack

Don't change your workflows to receive Alerts.

AlertSite integrates with Slack, so you can receive alerts in a tool you already use. Receive updates in a Slack channel whenever a monitor alert is triggered in AlertSite.  Simply create a Slack webhook, specify a recipient group, and customize the "error" and "all clear" alert templates, so the alerts get to the right users and display the information you need to spring into action. 

Keep your team in the loop immediately.

AlertSite alerts are sent directly from the node, making them the fastest on the market. Our ability to integrate with Slack makes it easier than ever to reach the right person at the right time. 

Key Features:

  • Route alerts from different monitors to different Slack channels
  • Receive updates in Slack when the selected monitors trigger alerts
  • Real-time targeted messaging empowers you to act immediately to remedy issues

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  • Intuitive SaaS tool for seamless, easy deployment
  • Monitor Private and Public assets
  • Access to 350+ global network of nodes
  • Test-On-Demand for immediate observability
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