Collaborative API Development
API Developer Portal
Contract Testing
API Integration Testing
Validate API Functionality
Automated UI Functional Testing
Standalone & Jira Test Management
Real Browser and Device Cloud
Automated UI Performance Testing
Codeless Automation with Gen AI
Test Management with Gen AI
Performance Monitoring
Resolve Bottlenecks & Improve Responsiveness
Error Monitoring
Debugging & Application Stability
Distributed Tracing
Trace Issues Across Services
Empowering QA Leadership: How User-friendly Automation Tools Drive QA Team Success
Get DéjàClick for Chrome or Firefox in the browser store. Or learn more about how to use DéjàClick in our User Guide.
Record transactions as you browse. With DéjàClick, navigate a site or interact with a website as a real user would, and we'll record the script you need to create a monitor. Simply add the new script to your AlertSite account and select the locations you want to monitor from. It's that easy. Check out the User Guide.
DéjàClick’s branching logic allows for more durable transaction monitoring in AlertSite. Adding conditional tests to recordings enables scripts to handle unexpected variables during playback - removing the need to create multiple monitoring scripts to account for normal site changes like out of stock products and updated promotional copy. Receive real-time notifications from AlertSite when slowdowns and outages occur to solve problems before your users are affected.
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