Selenium Academy 101: Getting Started

Getting started with Selenium can be a daunting task - but it doesn’t have to be anymore!

We are kicking off a NEW 3-part webinar series called Selenium Academy, designed to help you write your very first Selenium script as well as cover more complex use cases, such as automating and expanding your test coverage with Selenium.

One of the main benefits of automating your test cases is it can increase the efficiency of the team, allowing them to do fewer repetitive tasks and reducing the risk of a failure.  With test automation in place, the team can spend more time on things that they’re uniquely qualified for, allowing for more impactful improvements for the product and business.

Topics that will be covered:

  • Evolution of Selenium
  • Basics of Selenium
  • Set Up Your First Selenium Script
  • Run a Test on CrossBrowserTesting
  • Live Q&A with SmartBear Experts
Nick Brown
John Reese

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