How to Performance Test for Success this Holiday Season

Analysts predict this holiday season to be bigger than ever, breaking records for online holiday shopping to the tune of $207 billion – a 10% increase over 2020. During this make-or-break time of year, companies can’t afford their applications being unreliable under heavy load, especially when customers increasingly prefer shopping online.  

As online shopping grows, every company is expected to have an web presence. Poor performance of your web applications can directly impact brand perception and your bottom line. Customers expect a smooth, fast experience; when a site takes more than 3 seconds to load, over 40% of customers abandon it. The impact can be severe when every 100-millisecond delay in performance yields a 7% drop in sales. Even online retail giants like Amazon aren't immune when just an hour of downtime cost Amazon up to $100 million in lost sales.

Get ahead of performance testing this busy holiday season, and rest assured your applications perform reliably under heavy load. Join our one-hour webinar to learn more about: 

  • Performance testing tips to guide you through the holiday season into the new year 
  • Key areas of your website to load test in preparation for the holiday season 
  • Overcoming the most common performance challenges 
  • How to begin load testing at both the UI and API layers 
Duration: 60 minutes

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