ReadyAPI Performance Testing Features

Powerful and intuitive capabilities to help you deliver scalable APIs

Cloud-based API Load Tests

Prove your API can handle the big time through load testing from the cloud, using Amazon.

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Isolated Load Testing

Use ReadyAPI and/or VirtServer to run complex load scenarios against your virtualized assets so your load test results are not impacted by third-party APIs

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Parallel API Load Testing

Run several load test scenarios simultaneously to see how various conditions interact with each other and impact your API's performance.

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Reuse Existing Functional Tests

Use existing ReadyAPI tests under different load test scenarios without reworking the original tests.

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Server Monitoring

Having visibility into how your servers respond to traffic helps you diagnose what resources are causing latency and bottlenecks.

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Vary Your Load Strategies

For comprehensive API load testing, you need to employ multiple performance testing strategies. ReadyAPI provides pre-built load strategies that you can configure to meet your needs.

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ReadyAPI is an easy-to-use no-code API Testing platform designed to streamline your testing workflows.

  • Automate and scale your end-to-end tests across multiple API types
  • Run compatible load tests against your functional tests
  • Enable virtualization to ensure fast and reliable integrations for your development teams

Download your free trial for full-access to all testing features.