Testing Flutter Apps on Real Android Devices with Flutter Driver
Since its initial release, Flutter has quickly gained its popularity among developers for building beautiful Android and iOS applications. Like apps built with any other development toolkit, automated testing of Flutter apps is the only way to ensure app quality in the shortest time possible.
In this article, I’d like to talk about how to create the unit, widget and integration tests for automating the testing of Flutter apps and execute them against real Android devices in Bitbar Cloud.
Creating a Sample Bitbar App with Flutter SDK
To better understand how to automate Flutter app testing, I started creating a Bitbar sample app using Flutter SDK (see UI below).
The MainPage looks like this:
Text element
- 3 button elements (
) TextField
element- Image asset element
The SubPage looks like this:
- 2
Text elements
- button element (
) TextField
element- Image asset element
In my opinion, the easiest way to create a new Flutter app is to use the flutter create
command, for example: flutter create my_app
. This will create a sample app for Android and iOS.
I created the sample app by modifying this sample app. The app source is in a file called main.dart
, and it is in the lib
Note: I gave all the important UI elements Key values, for example:
key: Key('question-text')
Creating Unit and Widget Tests
A ‘unit test‘ is to test a single method or class and a ‘widget test‘ is to test a single widget. Here, a ‘widget‘ means UI elements like layout, button, text box, etc.
Unit tests require a test
package (https://pub.dev/packages/test), and the flutter_test
package provides additional tools for widget testing.
1. Add the test or flutter_test dependency
You can use the following approach to include test
or flutter_test
(or both) dependency on the app’s pubspec.yaml
dev_dependencies: flutter_test: sdk: flutter test: any
2. Create a unit test file
Create a test
directory and test file inside that directory. It is also a good idea to make separate directories for unit and widget tests.
In this example, we can create a file ending with _test.dart
for example main_test.dart
Import packages:
import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:my_app/main.dart';
Sample test:
test('correct answer', () { final mainPage = MainPage();
changeText(true); expect(subPageAnswerText, correctAnswerText); });
3. Create a widget test file
Again create a file ending with _test.dart
Import packages:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; import 'package:my_app/main.dart';
Sample test:
testWidgets('correct answer test', (WidgetTester tester) async { final app = App(); await tester.pumpWidget(app); expect(find.text("What is the best way to test your applications against over one hundred devices?"), findsOneWidget); await tester.tap(find.byKey(Key('correct-answer'))); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(find.text("You are right!!!"), findsOneWidget); });
4. Use command to run the tests
Unit tests can be run with the command:
flutter test test/unit/main_test.dart
And widget tests can be executed with the command:
flutter test test/widget/main_test.dart
5. JUnit Report
One thing to note: If the unit and widget tests are executed in Bitbar Cloud within a CI tool e.g. Jenkins, the test results will not display correctly after the tests are finished.
To get over this, we can use a Flutter package to convert the test results to the JUnit XML report format. (https://pub.dev/packages/junitreport).
First, make sure the following stuff is included in the system path:
Then, install the junitreport
package by running the command below:
flutter pub global activate junitreport
Both unit and widget tests can be run with this command:
flutter test --machine | tojunit > TEST-all.xml
After the tests are finished, the unit and widget test results can be found in a file called TEST-all.xml
Creating Integration Tests
An integration test tests the complete app and is isolated from the app under test. Integration tests require a flutter_driver
package (https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/flutter_driver/flutter_driver-library.html).
Flutter driver:
- The application runs in a separate process from the test itself
- Android (Espresso)
- iOS (Earl Grey)
- Web (Selenium WebDriver)
1. Add the flutter_driver dependency
The flutter_driver
package needs to be added to dev_dependencies
section of the app’s pubspec.yaml
dev_dependencies: flutter_driver: sdk: flutter
2. Create an integration test file
Create a directory called test_driver
. Add files main.dart
and main_test.dart
(or something ending with _test
) inside that directory.
This first contains an ‘instrumented’ version of the app being tested. It enables Flutter driver extensions and runs the app.
import 'package:flutter_driver/driver_extension.dart'; import 'package:my_app/main.dart' as app; void main() { enableFlutterDriverExtension(); app.main(); }
This file is created to contain the test suite.
Import Flutter Driver API:
import 'package:flutter_driver/flutter_driver.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart';
Connect to the app in “setUpAll” method:
setUpAll(() async { driver = await FlutterDriver.connect(); });
Close connection in “tearDownAll” method:
tearDownAll(() async { if (driver != null) { driver.close(); } });
3. Write a sample integration test:
test('correct answer', () async { final goBackButtonFinder = find.byValueKey('back-button'); final correctAnswerButton1Finder = find.byValueKey('correct-answer'); final answerTextFinder = find.byValueKey('answer-text'); String correctAnswerText = "You are right!!!"; Health health = await driver.checkHealth(); print(health.status); SerializableFinder goBackButton = find.text('Go back'); try { await driver.waitFor(goBackButton); await driver.tap(goBackButtonFinder); } catch (e) { print('try again not visible'); } await driver.tap(correctAnswerButton1Finder); expect(await driver.getText(answerTextFinder), correctAnswerText); });
4. Use command to run the integration tests
Now that we have an instrumented app and a test suite, we can run integration tests with the following command:
flutter driver --target test_driver/main_test.dart
There doesn’t seem to be a ready package for converting integration test results in a format that could be read in a CI tool, at least at the time of writing this. Test results must be parsed and converted to Junit XML format or something else.
5. Take screenshots
Screenshots can be taken in the integration tests with the ‘screenshots’ package (https://pub.dev/packages/screenshots).
Add the dependency in the pubspec.yaml
file (the current version of the package at the time of writing this blog):
dev_dependencies: screenshots: 2.1.1
Create the screenshots.yaml
file inside the project root directory. It should look something like this:
tests: # Note: flutter driver expects a pair of files eg, main1.dart and main1_test.dart - test_driver/main.dart # Interim location of screenshots from tests staging: /tmp/screenshots # A list of locales supported by the app locales: - en-US devices: ios: iPad 4 A1459 10.2: frame: false android: Samsung: frame: false # Frame screenshots frame: false
Add these in the main_test.dart
Import dependency:
import 'package:screenshots/screenshots.dart';
Create a config:
final config = Config();
Take screenshot inside test method like this:
await screenshot(driver, config, 'correct-answer');
Testing Flutter Android Apps on Real Devices in Bitbar Cloud
In Bitbar Real Device Cloud, Flutter tests are executed under the Appium Server Side type test project. The ‘run-tests.sh’ shell script is used to run the Flutter tests. Integration, Unit and Widget tests can be run in the same project in the cloud.
Note that only integration tests actually install and run the test in a device, unit and widget tests don’t require devices to run. Device time is still spent when running unit or widget tests, the device is just idling while the test is running.
See a quick demo below.
Unit and Widget tests
Install JUnit report:
flutter pub global activate junitreport tojunit --help
Run unit and widget tests:
flutter test --machine | tojunit > TEST-all.xml
Move test results to root directory so that they can be found by Jenkins:
cd .. mv my_app/TEST-all.xml TEST-all.xml
Below is the content of the ‘run-tests.sh’ file
#!/bin/bash # run-tests file for flutter unit and widget tests flutter --version # see what Android SDK is installed echo $ANDROID_HOME android list target echo "Extracting tests.zip..." unzip tests.zip # add flutter to path FLUTTER_PATH="/opt/testdroid/flutter/bin" PUB_CACHE_BIN="/opt/testdroid/flutter/.pub-cache/bin" DART_PATH="/opt/testdroid/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin" export PATH=$PATH:$FLUTTER_PATH:$PUB_CACHE_BIN:$DART_PATH # install Android SDK platform 28 (this can be removed when cloud VMs contains correct version) echo "install android SDK" wget https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sdk-tools-linux-4333796.zip unzip sdk-tools-linux-4333796.zip # rename old tools and move the new one to its place mv $ANDROID_HOME/tools $ANDROID_HOME/tools-old mv tools $ANDROID_HOME/ yes | /root/android-sdk-linux/tools/bin/sdkmanager "platforms;android-28" "build-tools;28.0.3" "platform-tools" echo "run flutter doctor" flutter doctor cd my_app echo "install junit report" flutter pub global activate junitreport tojunit --help # (build app) get rid of: FormatException: Unexpected character (at character 1) error flutter test test/unit/main_test.dart # run unit + widget test and convert to junit format echo "run unit and widget tests" flutter test --machine | tojunit > TEST-all.xml cd .. mv my_app/TEST-all.xml TEST-all.xml
Integration tests
Run tests with the command:
flutter drive --target=test_driver/main.dart > testconsole.log
Parse results and convert them into a Junit .xml file called ‘TEST-all.xml’ or just look at the log file (console.log) after the test run has ended. Move screenshots to the directory in the root called ‘screenshots’:
cd .. mkdir -p screenshots mv /tmp/screenshots/test/ screenshots
How to create and start a Flutter test run in Bitbar Cloud
1. Create a zip-file containing app directory (app and tests, in my case ‘my_app’ directory) and ‘run-tests.sh’ file.
2. Select Android as your target OS type and select the ‘Appium Android Server Side’ type as the framework.
3. Upload your test files to the ‘Appium Server Side’ type project in Bitbar Cloud.
Note: Since the actual Flutter app to test is written in the ‘flutter-tests.zip’ file and will be built during the test run, you could upload any dummy .apk file, e.g. ‘bitbar-sample-app.apk’ (see below) to get the test run started on Bitbar Cloud.
4. Start your Flutter test and get the test results
Testing Flutter apps in Bitbar Cloud is available on real Android devices. Integration test results are not showing correctly without parsing and formatting them yourself. Note that examples in this article have nothing to do with the Appium test automation framework.