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REST 101: API Testing with SoapUI and ReadyAPI

REST 101: The Beginner's Guide to Using and Testing RESTful APIs

This REST API tutorial will help you learn exactly what RESTful Web Services are — including: best (and worst) use cases, the difference between a REST API and a SOAP API, and how to test a REST API for not only usage, but use cases.

We've organized it around what REST API influencers believe are the most important things for you, as a developer, to know in order for you to build beautiful RESTful Web APIs that will actually solve your API consumers’ needs.

Some key topics we've covered, include:

  • What is a REST API?
  • The differences between REST & SOAP
  • When to use RESTful web services
  • An introduction to testing REST APIs
  • REST testing with SoapUI and ReadyAPI (formerly SoapUI Pro)