Summer School at Collaborator: Session #3 - Ramping up with New Review Types

In its early inception Collaborator was known as Code Collaborator, with the focus of offering a platform for peer review of code files. Parts of that first moniker are still present in the current version of Collaborator: In the name of the executables for example, in case one wonders why there’s the extra ‘c’ at the beginning of those file names. Dropping the ‘Code’ piece of the name, Collaborator evolved into a much more expansive peer review tool, moving beyond just code files, to include document review for many types of files, and with the latest integration, Simulink model files.

Exploring new types of reviews brings added value from Collaborator and higher quality to the finished products released to the customer. Organizations performing code reviews can benefit by adding in document review for requirements and development plans into the same reviews as the associated code files. Cross-functional teams, such as marketing and quality assurance, have a single platform in Collaborator to share and review documents with their teams. Engineers and hardware developers also have the advantage of artifact reviews in their workflows for design drawings, schematics, and Simulink models.

Join us as we look at different types of artifacts in the peer review process to see what Collaborator offers for review capabilities beyond what may be in place in your current environment.

Highlights include:

  • Code review
  • Document review
  • Simulink model review
  • Reporting metrics
Duration: 60 minutes

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