Local Testing with SmartBear SecureTunnel

Access your application behind a firewall, on a staging server, or locally with SmartBear SecureTunnel

Testing Locally Hosted Applications

There are many reasons to keep an application behind a firewall. Protecting unsecured data and credentials, hiding new features, and general security are all common concerns of development teams. But, just because a web application hasn’t been made public, it should not prohibit or delay testing across environments. 

Our local testing tunnel, SecureTunnel, can bring the power of BitBar right to your application whether it’s behind a firewall, across a proxy server, or used to test plain HTML/CSS/JavaScript files on your local machine. When you connect to our local tunnel, you get access to every part of BitBar including live testing, and test automation. 

Catch Bugs Earlier

With local testing via SecureTunnel, you can test your application before it gets deployed to production. Find more bugs and defects before your app ever gets into the hands of your customers. 

Gain access to all the browsers and devices your customers use, without having to obtain and maintain them yourself. Even for locally hosted apps. 

Start Testing Quickly

Use SecureTunnel either via a secure desktop application or a command-line utility. Run the utility on a computer with access to both the global web and the tested web service. The test environment working in BitBar connects securely to your local resources through the tunnel. 

Expand your test coverage and reduce testing time from hours to minutes with parallel testing. 


Test on Real Browsers & Devices

Try our next-gen testing cloud with both mobile and web testing capabilities and get the efficiency and scalability you need.

During your free, 14-day trial, you can expect:

  • One Platform for both web & mobile testing
  • Instant access to the latest browsers & devices
  • Framework agnostic testing for mobile apps
  • Enterprise options for complex use cases & security needs