SmartBear Launches State of Software Quality | Testing Report

Nearly 3,000 respondents identify time constraints amidst rapidly increasing release cadences as the predominant challenge around building quality at scale
Somerville — September 27, 2021 —

SmartBear, a leading provider of software development and quality tools, released the results of its fourth annual State of Software Quality | Testing survey. SmartBear conducted a 57-question online survey over the course of five weeks in the first half of 2021, where they collected industry benchmarks from more than 2,900 development, testing, and software delivery lifecycle professionals. 
“Since our last survey, the world changed dramatically, and software has become even more present in our lives,” said Joanna Schloss, Senior Vice President of Product Marketing at SmartBear. “Every company is an Ecommerce company, and ensuring quality is even more imperative today. The trends in this survey illuminate the challenges in maintaining quality, and SmartBear is an industry-leading partner that helps organizations with all of their testing and quality needs.” 
Findings are based on responses from manual testers, automation engineers, developers, consultants, QA managers, and business analysts from around the globe. 
This Testing report is the first under the company’s new “State of Software Quality" umbrella. SmartBear plans to release State of Software Quality reports for API, Code Review, Stability, and Test Management. 

To read the full State of Software Quality | Testing report, please visit: 

About SmartBear

SmartBear is pioneering innovation in software development, embracing AI’s transformative potential. The company’s AI-powered intuitive solution hubs, featuring HaloAI, give software development teams around the world visibility into end-to-end quality. SmartBear is trusted by over 16 million developers, testers, and software engineers at 32,000+ organizations – including innovators like Adobe, JetBlue, FedEx, and Microsoft. With an active peer-to-peer community, SmartBear meets customers where they are to help make our technology-driven world a better place. The company is committed to ethical corporate practices, including responsible AI that integrates accountability and transparency across its technology stack, and to social responsibility, promoting good in all the communities it serves. Learn more at, or follow on LinkedIn, X, or Facebook.