So, I Heard You Guys Like Software Comics
We don’t exactly have Scott Adams on staff to draw witty satires about office shinanigans, but we always enjoy putting out a few good software comics at the end of a grueling week. Whether it’s about the downside of a classic buzzword (Agile anyone?) or the never-ending battle between the QA and development team, it’s good to post something a little more light hearted every once in a while.
Yes, we realize that we too are guilty of over using some of those buzzwords, and no, the relationship between our development and QA teams isn’t perfect. But hey, if you can’t laugh at yourself who can you laugh at? Well, everyone else, I suppose, but that’s not the point.
So whether you can personally relate to the following comics or not, we hope you can at least take a minute to chuckle before you put your head down and get back to the rest of your work day.