The State of Testing 2017

Did you know that 63% of testers are responsible for testing both the front-end and back-end of their applications? Or that API tests are more likely to be automated than GUI tests?

Discover what your peers are doing today in testing - the applications they’re building and the techniques they’re using. Learn more about modern test environments and how many teams are at the ‘tipping point’ of shifting left.

SmartBear collected insights from thousands of developers, testers, and managers worldwide who are passionate about software testing. They openly shared their experiences, insights, and the challenges they face in their day-to-day roles.

Join a panel of SmartBear experts as they walk through the 2017 ‘State of Testing Survey’ and divulge the key trends and observations we uncovered.

If you care about software testing and want to stay updated on the latest industry trends, you'll want to tune in!

What we’ll cover:

  • Trends in automation and shifting left
  • The applications teams are testing and the techniques they're using
  • Insights into the future of the industry

Gregory Hanson
Harsh Upreti
Jeffrey Martin

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