Collaborative API Development: A Fintech Scenario

Real-World Scenario

During this seminar, a team of SmartBear API practitioners will take an API definition from the SWIFT developer portal and bring it through a full software development lifecycle utilising SmartBear API tooling. Along the way, the team will experience and overcome some of the most common challenges that modern API teams encounter.

During our 90-minute seminar, we will:

  • Enact real-life internal discussions
  • Establish the business requirements
  • Enforce API design standards to meet regulatory requirements
  • Use SwaggerHub to unlock the advantages of the API-first approach
  • Best practices for integrated API design and testing
  • Implement bi-directional API contract testing
  • Leverage API definitions for DevOps automation
  • Optimise application quality with automation & virtualization
  • Test basic application security
  • Run through deployment and version control
  • Post seminar project package download
  • Live Q&A

Our Team

Frank Kilcommins, API Evangelist at SmartBear

Playing: API integrations manager. Focused on working across functional teams and departments to help, design, and build functional APIs that meet the business needs, whilst solving integration issues.

Micheál Higgins, Senior Solutions Architect at SmartBear

Playing API Architect. Takes an in-depth look at API design and applies best practices for consistency across the API workflow. Will demonstrate how SwaggerHub can enforce API standardization, gather input, and help collaboration across stakeholders and API versions. Also shows benefits for using an API ‘design first’ approach.

Yousaf Nabi, Developer Advocate at SmartBear

Playing: API developer. Demonstrates how to use SwaggerHub and PactFlow to conduct API contract testing. Brings visibility to how consumers use APIs, and helps ensure that changes won’t break what works.

Joe Joyce, Senior API Solutions Engineer at SmartBear

Playing: QA Manager. Demonstrates how teams can use ReadyAPI to perform functional testing and basic security testing, and the benifits of API virtualization. Also how to use API definitions for parallel work streams, auto generation of service virtualization, and functional tests.


If you can’t attend, register anyway to receive the recording! Looking forward to seeing you there.

Duration: 90 mins

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