Greater Contract Testing Coverage: Multi-Protocol Support For gRPC & Protobufs

The demand for multi-protocol support for contract testing is growing and that is why we introduced two new Pact plugins earlier this year: gRPC & Protobufs. We’re excited to share that they are now supported for use in your PactFlow toolkit, alongside the latest specification version (V4). 

This new feature adds support for rendering pacts up to and including V4 - including, the ability to render the interaction contents for user-defined plugins, such as gRPC and Protobuf interactions. 

No matter where you are on your contract testing journey, PactFlow is making it easier for you to find integration errors - and fix them - with ease, no matter the use case. Utilizing the new generation of the OSS Pact Plugin Framework, we have extended protocol and transport formats for contract testing beyond HTTPs and REST.

Ron Holshausen, the author of these two plugins, will be joined by Matt Fellows to explain how the new plugins can be applied to use cases you may have. For example, applying contract testing to new or legacy systems outside the standard supported protocols - gRPC and Protobufs.

Join Ron and Matt for:

  • The background on the Plugins for PactFlow
  • Demonstration of how to write a consumer contract, publish it to PactFlow and verifying the contract using a plugin
  • Live Q&A
Duration: 60 minutes

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